Somewhere to Go
By Laurin Becker Macios
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Somewhere to Go, by Laurin Becker Macios

ISBN: 978-1-9324-1872-9

SOMEWHERE TO GO by Laurin Becker Macios is one of the winners of the 19th Annual Elixir Press Poetry Award.  Contest judge, Liz Robbins, had this to say about it: “Rilke wrote, ‘The only journey is the one within.’ Macios takes her readers on such a journey—one of quiet contemplation, depth, and deftly-rendered emotion—in Somewhere to Go. Her chief obsession is longing, which carries us—in life (if we are lucky) and as Macios guides us in these poems—in a kind of inverted narrative arc of love to death to love again.”

Laurin Becker Macios was born in Miami, Florida and raised just short of everywhere. Her chapbook I ALMOST WAS ANIMAL won the 2018 Writer’s Relief WaterSedge Poetry Chapbook Contest and her work has appeared in Salamander, Green Mountains Review online, [PANK], The Pinch, and elsewhere. Currently a consultant for non-profit arts organizations, she is the former Executive Director of Mass Poetry and former Program Director of both the Poetry Society of America and Mass Poetry. In 2013 she earned her MFA in Creative Writing Poetry from the University of New Hampshire, where she taught on fellowship for three years. She lives in New York City with her husband, son, and Frenchie.